Medication Safety

Medication errors are the most common health care mistakes. You should know what medications you take and why. So that we can better help you, we need to know all the medications, herbs, vitamins, and home remedies that you are taking.

Different medicines, vitamins, and herbs can affect how other medicines work in your body. Your Home Health Care medicine list is sent to your doctor, who needs your correct information to prevent errors. Additionally, federal and state laws strictly require accuracy.

Be Sure to Inform Your Health Care Team of Any:

  • Changes in the times you take your medications
  • Changes in the doses of your medications (if you are taking more or less)
  • Medications you have stopped taking
  • Medications you have skipped or forgotten to take

Safety Tips for Home Medications:

  • Learn the names of medications and reasons for taking them.
  • Read instructions carefully. Take only as prescribed.
  • Do not remove labels from medicine bottles or transfer the contents to another bottle.
  • Do not take other people’s medications or give your medications to others.
  • Keep a list of your medications handy for emergencies.
  • Keep all medications out of reach of children and pets.
  • Keep medications stored separately from medication used by others.
  • Remove medications that have expired separate medications that you no longer take from the medications you do take. (We recommend that you place medicines you are not currently using in a bag).
  • Store medications in a cool, dry place. Refrigerate medications when specifically recommended on the prescription label.